Structural Report

Jubilee Griffith

Writing for the Sciences



Table of Contents: Gives the reader an outlook on what to expect in each section.


Summary:  This part of the report contains an introduction along with many basis’ for decisions and many conclusions. The introduction should give a base of what exactly the topic will be discussing and the health aspects that can contribute to the report. Each conclusion should state a problem that can be concluded from the introduction and the basis of decision should describe how we came up with the conclusion, sort of as a reasoning. They include statistical data for support. The summary also includes recommendations and next steps. We would honestly believe that these parts surround the same idea but recommendations tell some background on an idea that may help solve the conclusion and ultimately delivers a recommended idea along with alternatives. Next steps on the other hand, tells what specifically the people who study the issue can do to fix the problem with the subject.


Purpose:  The purpose of the report should explain why this topic is important and why it should be discussed. It includes all details of what requirements the study revolves around, giving reasoning for the study. It includes where the data is sourced from and why. 


Background: This part of the report discusses the background of the data and the visitation of the data along with demographics. The background would include a discovery and what led us to this discovery report. It would do the report justice if we discuss the history of the factors. The visitation of the data would talk about an outlook of the discovery, most likely a first hand experience with the discovery that led to a post-report. It should answer questions about the quality of the discovery and determination of the health factors. Demographics should discuss statistical data and population studies. 


Discussion: This section includes different types of tests done on the subject and how it adds relevance to the report. It relays methods and results along with statistical data that lets the reader know what was done in the tests to acquire them. It considers any possible factor that can develop a health concerns matters. It is genuinely the longest section.


Community Health Concerns: This part contains the common concerns in a community and the response that can either be for or against the arguments.


Conclusion: This part lastly concludes the report with different conclusions and reports based on each with analysis and analytics. It also includes recommendations and setbacks.